Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

Berbalas Pantun di Detos

MI Muhammadiyah II ikut memeriahkan kegiatan EKSPO JELANG MUKTAMAR SATU ABAD MUHAMMADIYAH yang diselenggarakan oleh Pimpinan Daerah Muhammadiyah Kota Depok bertempat di lantai 1 Depok Towns Square. Ekspo berlangsung dari tanggal 18 hingga 21 Februari 2010. Kegiatan dibuka hari Kamis tanggal 18 Februari 2010 oleh walikota Depok, Nurhmahmudi Ismail tepat pukul 09.00 waktu setempat. Turut hadir pula pada acara itu mantan ketua umum PP Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. H. Ahmad Syafii Maarif, ketua PDM Kota Depok, Drs. H. Farkhan AR, ketua komisi D DPRD kota Depok H. Muhammad, S,Ag, camat Beji , H. Marjaya, S.Sos serta pengurus Muhammadiyah dan Aisyiyah kota Depok. Selepas zuhur acara dilanjutkan dengan pagelaran seni oleh para pelajar sekolah/madrasah se-kota Depok. Siswa MIM II menyumbangkan 2 buah lagu mars Muhammadiyah (Sang Surya) dan Rasulullah serta 1 buah puisi berjudul Berbalas Pantun. Meskipun hanya dengan persiapan latihan beberapa kali saja, namun dibawah bimbingan beberapa orang guru penampilan mereka cukup memukau para pengunjung yang hadir siang itu. Penampilan mereka cukup kocak ketika membawakan berbalas pantun. Mungkin karena baru pertama kali mereka tampil di hadapan orang banyak, maka ketika para guru menyalami mereka tangan mereka terasa dingin. Kita berikan selamat kepada mereka dan juga ibu-ibu guru.

MI Muhammadiyah II Exposition activities enliven ONE CENTURY late MUHAMMADIYAH Congress organized by the Regional Chairman of Muhammadiyah Kota Depok 1st floor located at Depok Towns Square. Exposition held from 18 to 21 February 2010. Opening day activities on Thursday February 18, 2010 by the mayor of Depok, just Nurhmahmudi Ismail at 09.00 local time. Also attending the event was also a former general chairman of Muhammadiyah Prof.. DR. H. Ahmad Syafii Maarif, chairman of PDM Depok, Drs. H. Farkhan AR, chairman of the commission Depok parliament D H. Muhammad, S, Ag, camat Beji, H. Marjaya, S. Sos and the board of Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Depok city. After the noon event continued with performances by students of art schools and madrasah as Depok city. MIM II students donate 2 mars songs Muhammadiyah (the Surya) and the Prophet, and 1 piece of poetry titled Pantun reciprocated. Although only a preparatory training course a few times, but under the guidance of several teachers as they look quite stunning the visitors who were present that afternoon. They look pretty funny when he brought unrequited rhyme. Perhaps because the first time they appeared before the crowd, then when the teachers shake their hands they were cold. We offer congratulations to them and also a teacher mothers.

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Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 02

Madrasah pencetak insan-insan yang berakhlak mulia dan cinta Muhammadiyah.


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Nama Sahabudin lahir Bogor, 5 Agustus 1968. tamat SDM Kukusan, MTsM Kukusan, PGAN 28 Jakarta, FSUI, IAIN, STAI YAPERI Cibinong